It’s Monster Monday at ModuleCraft, and here’s hoping I never have to say that out loud three times fast. Each week, generally on Monday, we grab a monstrous creation from an upcoming product and toss it out so everyone can see what it is the mad little gremlins in the basement are up to.
This week it’s the Wererat Chain Warrior from The Midnight Tide. The lead gremlin on the project had this to say:
The story called for wererat pirates, but the boys and I really got a ninja vibe off of the gang from the initial brief, and thus made them pirate/ninjas. Or maybe we were up too late watching Samurai Champloo. Anyway, when coupled up with the more standard wererats already available in various monster manuals and the compendium, the chain warrior is pretty nasty. She pulls double-duty as leader and brute, enabling other rats to deal damage while adding her own numbers on top, and then pulling their bacon out of the fire with her ‘shadow rat’ ability. Her ‘chain dance’ makes it difficult to get into melee with her unless she allows it, and her tremendous mobility makes it easy for her to really have the run of the battlefield, especially in tight spaces.
Download the Wererat Chain Warrior (pdf, 24.97 kB), and be sure to check in next week for another critter from the gremlins."